On-demand Webinar
Managing People in Today’s Society: The Great, The Good, The Bad, and The UglyBy sharing real-life examples and practical strategies, this session will take a deep dive into one of the most mystifying aspects for those who hold supervisory roles, managing people.

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What's being discussed?
People are the primary driver in all that we do in parks and recreation. They impact our decisions, our performance, and how we feel from one environment to the next. In our industry, there are two types of people; our team members (staff, volunteers, coaches, etc.) and everybody else (patrons, elected officials, partners, etc.). As leaders, how do we balance serving our community while providing that same support to our staff?
Join seasoned P&R leaders Chris Nunes & Tom Venniro for a high-energy 60-minute session. By sharing real-life examples and practical strategies, this session will take a deep dive into one of the most mystifying aspects for those who hold supervisory roles, managing people.
This interactive webinar will cover:
- Trends in the workplace environment
- How to manage different generations
- Cultivating future leaders
- Managing undesirable behavior
- Building team culture
- And more!
Don't miss your chance to connect with like-minded professionals.
Meet the Speakers

Thomas G. Venniro, Parks and Recreation Director at the Town of Hilton-Parma
For the past ten years, Tom has served as Director of Parks & Recreation for the Town of Parma, excelling in department branding, producing extraordinary team culture focused on providing extraordinary customer experiences, and developing future leaders. Tom is a highly rated national speaker who has presented at the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) Annual Conference on numerous occasions, and is a regular state and local presenter, national award winner, published writer, and university adjunct lecturer.
Tom has repeatedly been honored by his peers with awards at every level. In 2013, Tom received the NRPA Robert W. Crawford Young Professional Award, and in 2022 he received the New York State Recreation and Park Society (NYSRPS) Outstanding Service Award.
At Hilton-Parma, Tom is responsible for leading all operations of the parks and recreation department, as well many organization-wide initiatives with his team that is dedicated to improving quality of life for residents of Parma and surrounding communities. In addition to his experiences listed earlier, Tom has been actively involved in a myriad of roles within his local Genesee Valley Recreation and Parks Society, NYSRPS, and NRPA throughout his career, including service as a past NYSRPS President, and former NRPA Network Chair.
Chris Nunes, Chief Operating Officer at The Woodlands Township
Chris oversees a $50+ million operational budget and is accountable for the management of 151 parks, 14 swimming pools and aquatic facilities, 220 miles of pathways, 200 miles of streetscape, a park/ride system, circulator trolley system, and covenant administration. While in The Woodlands, he has implemented cost recovery strategies, developed business/operational plans for major and minor facilities, and has increase programming 200% with no additional staff.
Chris speaks and provides trainings around the country (over 500+ sessions) on topics including: business plans, contracting, creative programming, marketing, external funding, communication, leadership and succession planning and co-authored “Managing Programs and Services” in” Management of Park and Recreation Agencies – 5thEdition”. He is a Certified Parks and Recreation Executive and currently, he serves on the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA).
Chris holds a bachelor’s degree in Recreation Management and a master’s degree in Sports Management from Springfield College in Massachusetts and a Doctorate in Parks and Recreation Administration from the University of New Mexico.
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